About me ...


jean-Paul Molina

Here is a curious !

Have a look to my blog as well.

Where I'm living :
     Grenoble, South-East of France.

My studies :
     After getting a 'Technical and Mathematics baccalaureat' , a 'Brevet de Technicien Superieur'
     in Mechanical Engineering, preparing a national competitive examination, I spent one year
     in Paris VI University (Jussieu) where I got a 'DEUG'.
     I succeeded to enter the 'Ecole Normale Superieure' in Cachan close to Paris.
     ( ENS Paris-Saclay right now )
     I got a master of Technology, an 'agregation' in Mechanical Engineering. (Nat. rank 4th)
     During the last year in this school, I got back to university to obtain a 'DEA' in
     Theoretical Solid Mechanics

     I carried out my military service then as a teacher, coach of the Military School of Paris
     (EMSST: facing the Eiffel tower).
     As I had some free time, I followed courses of Numerical Analysis in Paris VI University
     where I acquired mathematical basis of programming and I learned Fortran language.

     Otherwise, I assured Works Directed of Mechanics in 1st level of the 'Ecole Centrale of Paris'
     in Chatenay-Malabry.

     Having asked and gotten a job in Grenoble, I enrolled in the university Joseph Fourier to get
     a doctor's degree in Solid Mechanics.

My skills :
     Besides the quoted loads of teaching before, I especially passed the clear of my time to
     teach in special courses preparing to competitive examination (to Engineer schools).
     Nevertheless, I did during numerous years of sessions in 'Ecole Centrale de Lyon',
     and I learnt and teached CAD : Euclid, AutoCad, SolidWorks.

     I also had the opportunity to do some practicums in the industry since I was in
     high school : Vallourec (metallurgy), Hispano-Suiza (aeronautics), De Dietrich (foundry).

     And also a certain experience in networks (NT, 2000) as well as in conception and
     administration of Websites.

Computing languages practised (or having it been) :
     Fortran, ASM, Pascal UCSD, TurboPascal, C, Lisp, programming C++ object, PHP, MySQL.
     I achieved a software of calculation of mechanical components in POO C++ (Mecadim).

Languages :
     English ( Hope not too bad )
     I had the opportunity to deep in an English family life in Portsmouth (England)
     and I spent several weeks many times in West and South USA.

     German (I followed some courses in Stendhal University of Grenoble but I'm afraid
     I'll have to refresh it very seriously!)

Sports practiced (or having it been):
     Aïkido, Swimming, Tennis, alpin ski, mountain bike, hiking.

What I especially like :
     humour ! Learning ! Joking !
     French satiric newspaper 'Le Canard Enchainé', Marianne.
     archaeological ruins and castles.
     abroad trips to know other cultures.
     4Wheel driving thru Morocco and Tunisia.
     All NP in western USA ( Great! a 4 hours Cessna flight over some big NP
     from Moab to Lake Powell and back, Big Island Hawaii as well )
     Gorgeous Offroads tracks in Marocco.
     Eastern lanscapes in East Turkey : Anatolia, Nemrut Dag, ...
     South of Tunisia ( Tozeur, Douz, Ksar Ghilane, ... )
     Playing sometimes guitar ( not very good 'cause not enough time)
     Rock'n roll, Country-rock, Rhythm and Blues, Reggae.
     and full other things as well...

Whisky and beer

What I don't like:
     I know! it's a matter of taste and convictions!

     classic dance, figure skating, soccer.
     drugs. ( tobacco included ! fag = lollipop to cancer! )
     'techno' music, 'House' music, rap, rave parties.
     reality shows on TV.
     politicians in general
     (and especially those who are confusing Serving Country and Serving Themselves).
      All right, I 'll stop right there because I feel that I am going to make me enemies
     (huh? maybe already done!?)

My thoughts :
     ₪ Present Society      When Economy is over human being !

     ₪ Ecology      It is alarming to note that mankind is the only specy able
     to destroy all life on Earth.

     ₪ Did you notice the illusion of the democracy?
     An example: in Europe, when there is a referendum to enter the EEC and that the majority
     answer by the negative. Next, a new referendum will occur until the moment
     where the 'Yes' wins. Until there, nothing to say; but why could we back off to a previous
      state? I'd be curious to know the result of a consultation about
     "Do you want the country leaves the EEC"?
     Except British........

     And every day, the behavior of domestic and international politicians
     (every side) demonstrates it to us.

     Pro-European, more than 20 years, I become more and more skeptic
     when I see the decisions of the Office in Brussels.

     ₪ Education in France
     Two words come to my mind: Intellectual pauperization.
     I have gotten the impression that we look at the baddest elsewhere to import it at home.
     Pupils, future students, are not less clever than before, but they don't know anything
     anymore and don't learn anything anymore 'cause programs are emptied
     of their substances, when they are not disjointed.

     Computing (outside university) is seen under a playful aspect.
     Besides, and it is a pity, those who are not anymore facing pupils or students rae in a rush
     to tell you how to teach.

     ₪ The worse of the employers
     State! Under pretext of job insured: mistaken towards its staff, non respect of rules
     decreed and of jurisprudence,
     obligation for some to do a teaching outside of their specialty, imposed
     2 supplementary hours and under gainful for the teachers of High Schools,...
     As a matter of fact, do you know the difference between the Private Job society
     and the State Job society?
     Answer: Private = Basket of crabs Public = Pit of snakes.

     ₪ Computing      I stay struck always to see that many put 'plow before beefs' while
     programming without having acquired beforehand notions of algorithmic.

     Besides, I hate Visual Programming ( Visual ..., Builder ..., Dream..., Front... )
     So much as it works, nothing to say. (buddies whom I fixed up their website remember it)
     For me, whatever language is, I prefer to write directly as having learned the syntax
     beforehand. (It is simple: I like to understand what I'm doing)

     ₪ TV      Great tool to carry Culture, it became silly and a mean of propaganda of our
     governing. Fortunately, there are even some interesting channels.

     ₪ About fluent speaking      Did you noticed how it is possible to write whatever.
      For example, start a sentence with "It would seem that...... ".
     In the same way: Very confident source" can result in
     "Oneself doesn't know anything of it but one tells you that.... ".
     But also: "I would not especially say that Mr So-and-so is a d... ".

     A little vocabulary:       Communication ⇒ manipulation.
      Educational Reform ⇒ budgetary Economy.

     ₪ My belief
      God is not the answer, God is the query. And there is no answer.
      This is why I am an agnostic.

     ₪ What makes me laugh
     Some French journalists ( or so said ) mixing english words and french words although
     there are all words in French; ( snobberry ?)

     A certain French TV channel that 'd look as younsters and where some announcers,
     to appear IN, introduce Anglicism whereas French words do exist.
     Thanks to our friends from Quebec, more respectful than us, of French language.

     ₪ Incisive Formulas
     pretty difficult to translate French Humour, so let 's try it out !

     "To speak to say nothing and to say nothing in speaking is the principle
      of those who 'd better to shut up before opening their mouth !"
      Pierre Dac

     Facts : Light speed is upper than sound speed.
     So a man seems brilliant until he speaks !

Thank you for dropping by and bearing this page until it ended.


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