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Most of programs you 'll find out here have been gathered over the Net since the release of OWL.
This OWL page was originally created in 1999 because some previous good sites shut down whereas examples were always asked for.
256-color Background
display a 256 colors background into your application.
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256-color Bitmap
display a 256 colors bitmap.
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3D Buttons
a pair of classes to get your dialogs to look Ctl3d under Windows95 with Borland C++ 4.5, 4.52 and 5.0 (since normally they look flat).
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3D Control Bar
a 3D Control Bar in a decorated frame.
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Example of creating a dialog that has
all the functionality of a modal dialog box, but still allows the application message queue to process.
This allows the dialog to process accelerators.
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The Win95 Animation Library is a set of C++ classes which enable developers to add these features to an application.
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source module that animates a bitmap of an eye on a given window, at given co-ordinates, and then via its own thread 'follows' the mouse pointer around the screen.
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move a ball on a transparent background.
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example of playing an AVI video in an about dialog box.
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Background Bitmap
Construct a bitmap object from a bitmap pattern and display as a background.
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Balloon help
Balloon help for TButtonGadgets in a control bar.
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Bitmap in a dialog box
display and hide a bitmap in a dialog box.
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Bitmap in menu
class TBmpMenu that shows bitmaps on the left side of menus like MS Office.
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Bring Window To Top
The class TAlwaysOnTop brings your Windows application always on Top.
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Enabling / disabling a button.
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Check boxes
how to use checkboxes controls.
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implementation of the DClockGadget class and the FormatWinTime() function.
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TFontCombo is a control class derived from TComboBox for displaying a list of fonts or font styles.
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Combobox in Control bar(1)
class TComboGadget.
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Combobox in Control bar(2)
class TComboGadWindow from Borland.
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Combobox with validators
class TValidCombo.
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Context-Help Dialog
The class THelpDialog defines the help context associations for the dialog.
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Control enabler
a neat little class called TControlEnabler which is similar to
TCommandEnabler in that it lets you specify a condition under which a control (any control in a dialog) is enabled, then does the enabling automatically.
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Custom Controls
ScrollBar, Virtual ListBox, Spin, Calendar, Tab, Edit, Static, Button, Virtual ComboBox.
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Debugging Console
The debugging console works like the standard C++ error stream cerr.
It is specific to Windows.
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Decorated frame
how to have a TDecoratedFrame with both wfShrinkToFit set and the WS_THICKFRAME turned off.
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Dialog box with status bar
class TStatusDlg to display a status bar in a dialog box.
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A class derived from TDib, providing the ability to read and write
multiple graphics file formats (GIF, PCX, TIFF).
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The GSC-Bitmap library provides a set of API routines providing the ability to read and write several bitmapped graphic file formats (JPEG, GIF, PCX, TIFF).
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Dir Dialog
Directory Select class that uses OpenFile dialog (BC5.02).
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Dir Dialog
OWL 5.0 class that allows directory selection via a dialog similar
to the Win95 Explorer.
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utility (3 languages : D , F , US/GB)
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Displaying text
class TTerminal derived from TWindow for displaying text in a scrollable window.
Text can be multi-colored, blinking, underlined, or inverted.
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DLL Explorer
DLL module usage information and comparison utility for Windows 95.(No Source code)
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Dockable Toolbars
dockable toolbars which show overlapped etched borders when docked.
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Dynamic menu
How to modify dynamically the menu bar.
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Dynamically Created Controls
treatment of messages sent by dynamically created controls or menuitems.
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Enhanced Listbox
This class TGridListBox represents a very simple extension of the
Listbox that allows the users to define columns and justify the text to
the left or right margin of each column.
Copy and Paste capabilities are also included.
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Faded bitmap(1)
show a bitmap, and make it disappear by random permutation.
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Faded bitmap(2)
show a bitmap, and make it disappear by random permutation.
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Flat Combobox
provide a replacement for TComboBox class : flat combo-box like in Office 97.
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Display a color gauge with percentage.
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TGraf is a simple C++ class to do line and scatter plots.
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Help file
Create Help Files from Program Source Code.
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THintDialog is a C++ class that allows you to have a dialog box with fly-by hints for its controls.
TDecDialogFrame is quite useful in those cases where you want to have a dialog
box as your app's main window. You define your dialog with the "Child" style and make it the client of a TDecDialogFrame.
This allows you to have decorations like a status bar with your dialog. This is a must if you want to use fly-by TControlHints.
TSmartPointer is a template class for typesafe pointer objects that handle their own garbage collection.
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Hints Tag(1)
display information when cursor is over a control (bar).
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Hints Tag(2)
display information when cursor is over a control in a dialog box.
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allow only one instance of the program to run.
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All you wished to know about Jpeg (impressive)
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Limited window
limit windows size.
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example showing several listboxes with different fonts.
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Main Dialog with menu(1)
Construct the main window with the dialog box as the client window.
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Main Dialog with menu(2)
Construct the main window with the dialog box as the client window.
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Memory watcher
MemWatch is a simple powerful memory monitor.
It can detect the following memory errors:
1) new without delete.
2) multiple deletes of the same block.
3) corrupted pointers.
4) memory overwrites.
5) memory underwrites
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Message in system tray
display time in caption when application is minimized.
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let the application staying minimized.
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Mouseover Buttons
MouseOver button class that can change color, dib, and font when the mouse goes in and out of the button (BC5.02)
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Moving windows
how to move a window using a timer.
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allow playing of WAV, AVI files from a resource.
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class TNoteTab.
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OLE automation server
how to write an OLE automation server without using OCF, Borland's OLE 2 library.
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OLE Container
OLE application ( OWL ? )
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OWL5 and BC4.53
Compiling OWL5.0 and associated lib with BC4.53.
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Ownerdrawn button(1)
example of buttons with bitmaps.
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Ownerdrawn button(2)
class TBitmapButton.
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Ownerdrawn button(3)
ownerdrawn button in a frame window.
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Ownerdrawn button(4)
class TOdButton.
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Ownerdrawn button(5)
class NiceButton. (help yourself 'cause no comments about how to use it)
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Ownerdrawn combobox
owner-drawn combobox (fixed height), which draws items with an icon from an image list, and indents them by a
specified amount.
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Ownerdrawn listbox
a listbox with bitmaps and text.
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Ownerdrawn listwindow(1)
pretty good example for making ownerdrawn Listwindow.
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Ownerdrawn listwindow(2)
Double-click any item/subitem and edit it.
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Persistent window
The location and size of the window are memorized.
Next time the program is running, the location and size should be restored.
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Popup menu
How to add / delete menu item in a popup menu displayed with a right click.
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print a window.
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class PrtStreamWindow.
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older release of TPrtStream
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class TTextPrinter provides a true, amazingly easy to use Windows printing, and is applicable under Windows 3.1, Windows95 and Windows NT. Also, this class does not rely on any framework library such as Borland`s OWL or
Microsoft`s MFC. Only direct API calls are made.
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Property Sheet(1)
using a PropertySheet as the "main" window. It has 3 PropertyPages that
contain controls to run propertysheet
API functions like, Apply, CancelToClose, Add Page, Remove Page, Restart Windows, etc. Context sensitive help [?] and context menus are included.
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Property Sheet(2)
class TPropertyDialog and TPropertyPage.
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class TRebarWindow : container for child windows which it positions and sizes automatically.
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Richedit Text(1)
Display / Modify a RTF file.
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Richedit Text(2)
Demonstrates some basics of a RichEdit control. Allows you to change the text color on the fly, save and load RTF data using stream callbacks
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class TMyScrnSavWindow making spheres.
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screensaver with randomized lines.
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Scrolling Bitmap
Example of how to scroll a bitmap in Help | About dialog box.
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Serial Communications
class Cport is a well-documented library.
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Shaded Caption Bar
display a shaded Caption Bar like MS-Excel/WinWord.
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Splash window
display a window using a timer.
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class TSplashButton.
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very simple class which duplicates the behaviour of the splitter bar used in
the Windows 95 Explorer.
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Static bitmap for dialog
example using class TStaticBitmap.
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Stretched Bitmaps
how to use the dc.StrechBlt.
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Basic application with submenus.
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class TTemplateControl.
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Text File Editor
It looks somewhat like a TFileWindow. The major difference is that it is not limited to 64K of text.
In fact, it is limited to an int of lines of an int of chars of text.
It can also be compiled as a 32-bit EXE which makes those ints even larger.
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Text over a bitmap
Display a text on a transparent bitmap.
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Text viewer
display a text file.
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Tips Dialog Box(1)
This class is typically invoked when an application is started to display
tips or hints to users.
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Tips Dialog Box(2)
class TTipDialog.
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To Newbies (1/4)
Basic examples using OWL classes (BC5).
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To Newbies (2/4)
Basic examples using OWL classes (BC5).
( EXE need some DLL from Borland )
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To Newbies (3/4)
Basic examples using OWL classes (BC5).
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To Newbies (4/4)
Basic examples using OWL classes (BC5).
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Displays object definitions contained in existing C++ source files (headers and implementations)
as 3 types of views:
- indented list class hierarchy.
- class interfaces (various levels of detail).
- original source code for items in either of the above.
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Toolbox for OWL is a collection of C++ OWL class extensions
Popup Calendar edit box, Popup Calculator edit box, Popup Pick List Edit box, Multi Column List box and more.
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Class TRange, TSpinEdit, TSpinScrollBar, TSpinButton.
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for doubles, hex, ...
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How to modify the wallpaper of your desktop.
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This class allows for a window to have two client windows split either vertically or horizontally.
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Some old Dll are needed, because some EXE have been compiled in dynamic mode.
owl202, owl250f, owl252f, bids402, bids45f, bc402rtl, cw3215
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owl252, owl253, bids45, bids450rtl, bids47, bc453rtl, bwcc
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owl50f, bids50f, cw3220
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owl52f, bds52f, cw3230
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Here you 'll find out a digest of questions and answers I gathered from many newsgroups.
Document 1 →
Document 2 →
Document 3 →
Document 4 →
Document 5 →
Document 6 →
Document 7 →
Document 8 →
OWL 6 →
OWL 6.1 →
Programs ( C++, ASM, Delphi, Pascal, ...)
OWL Downloads
Check this 'OWL6' site out.
OWL HOW Contents
Questions about OWl? Be sure to visit this site.
About BC502
Information for using the free 5.5 compiler with the 5.02 ide
Collection of useful scripts.
Yura Bidus
The fine guy at the beginning of 'OWL Next' & 'OWL6'.
C++ Resources
you MUST visit this site : many useful links about C++ stuff.
Kent Reisdorph
Borland Team B member.
Luigi Bianchi
Nice Site with MFC programs converted into OWL
a very good site where you 'll find out useful stuff.
Expert Exchange
a multiple focused newsgroup.
INPRISE Newsgroups
List of all Borland 's newsgroups.
Borland C++ Technical Support
All Borland 's patches supposed to fix up bugs.