Photo shutter


The purpose is to simulate a shutter of a camera. This example is pretty long to achieve. We 'll use mask and shape. We 'll use effects : Transform, radial gradient. We 'll first create objects, then effects.

Remark :
At first, I had used a complex mask to build a gill, then an effect and it was fine. Unfortunately, the other gills disrupted themselves mutually.
The solution I propose is therefore defined from a transparent gill which virtually 'll give a simplest design of the whole project.
Why making things complex if we can do more simple? It's up to you.
Download some files beforehand.

⇒ see animation ⇐

Creating Mask

1 - Set up width, height and background color (000066).
'Frame Rate' : 35 Width : 480 Height : 480

2 - Draw a Rectangle ( 000060 ) which size is mentioned hereafter :

Rectangle du masque

3 - Draw a circle with the same color

Cercle du masque

4 - In 'Outline', SHIFT being in a down state, select the 2 previous objects, then CTRL G. You'll get a pierced rectangle. It 'll be the mask. Name it MasqueFond

2 - Creating gills

Gill 1 :
- menu Insert / Image : insert LameObtu.gif you downloaded.
- Set image as mentioned.

Position lamelle1

Other Gills : Copy the previous image, translate and rotate as mentioned. Use tool Rotation

Gill 2 :

Position lamelle

Gill 3 :

Position lamelle

Gill 4 :

Position lamelle

Gill 5 :

Position lamelle

Gill 6 :

Position lamelle

Gill 7 :

Position lamelle

Notice that the rotate angle correlates about to 360° / 7

3 - Creating a spot

Draw a circle same as the hole, but apply a radial gradient of color.

dimensions spot    couleurs spot

Left Index CCFFFF   Right Index 000066

3 - Creating a trigger

Using the downloaded images, draw a button in the bottom right of the scene.

bouton déclenchement

4 - Creating Effects

- In 'Outline', move objects as following :

bouton déclenchement

- Here is what you'd yield at last


- Select Add Effect , Place in frame 0 of the specified objects.
- At frame 1 of Scene, select Add Action , Stop
- At frame 2 of every gill, you gonna set an effect Transform.
Pay attention : ( CCW 60° pour tous )

LameOBTU 1

effet lamelle      Visualisation Effet

LameOBTU 2

effet lamelle      Visualisation Effet

LameOBTU 3

effet lamelle      Visualisation Effet

LameOBTU 4

effet lamelle      Visualisation Effet

LameOBTU 5

effet lamelle      Visualisation Effet

LameOBTU 6

effet lamelle      Visualisation Effet

LameOBTU 7

effet lamelle      Visualisation Effet


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Dernière Modification : Lun 13 Janvier 2025 14:22
Copyright © 1999-2025 Jean-Paul Molina Tous droits réservés.


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