Lightened Text


A texte gonna appear progressively thanks to a lighting, then 'll disappear.
This example is easy to achieve. We 'll use group of objects and tool 'Reshape'.
We 'll use the following effects : Transform, Move, radial gradient and Linear Gradient.
We 'll create fist the objects, then the effects.

⇒ see animation ⇐

Creating objects

1 - Set up width, height as well as background color (#0033FF).
'Frame Rate' : 35


2 - Click Insert Text. Enter the mentioned data ( text centered color #FFCC00)


3 - We gonna create a little luminous vertical bar just before 'T'.
Click Rectangle. Draw a rectangle as mentioned :

Transform rectangle

Set a radial gradient of color (left index : FF FF FF A=100% ; right index : 2B CC D5 A=0%)

Shape rectangle

4 - We gonna create the lighting with a rectangle changed in trapeze. Draw the rectangle as mentioned :
(the middle of the right side is the middle of the left side of the luminous bar)

Transform rectangle

Set a linear gradient of color. ( Keep same indexes ). Click Reshape. Manage the 2 right handles upon the ends of the luminous bar.

Reshape rectangle

5 - In 'Outline', select the 2 rectangles, SHIFT maintained in a down state. Hit <CTRL> <G> to group them. Name it Group1.


6 - Copy and Paste Group1. Name it Group2. Move it right after the capital letter.

Transform rectangle

With tool 'Reshape', shorten the right side of trapeze to fit at a mean height of a minuscule letter.

reshape rectangle

7 - We gonna create now a rectangular mask having same size as scene, but the middle of the left side fits with the luminous bar.

transform rectangle

8 - We gonna create a spot. Draw a circle as mentioned :

transform cercle

Set a radial gradient of color ( indexes keeped ). The line color is : 80 E0 E6 A=40%

shape cercle

Creating Effects

1- We gonna set the final effect : text rotates twice while its size shortens.
In 'Timeline' click Texte, then Frame 0, then Add Effect then Place.
Click Frame 50, then Add Effect then Transform.
In tab Cascade, toggle Whole Object



2 - We lighten the capital letter while uncovering.
In 'Timeline' click Group1, then Frame 0, then Add Effect then Move. Enter the values mentioned :


Click Frame 10, then Add Effect then Remove.

3 - We lighten the minuscule letters while uncovering.
In 'Timeline' click Group2, then Frame 10, then Add Effect then Move. Enter the values mentioned :


Click Frame 30, then Add Effect then Remove.

4 - We gonna move the mask.
In 'Timeline' copy and paste effect Move(10) de Group1. Click Frame 0 of Rectangle, paste it.
Copy effect Move(20) of Group2. Click Frame 10 de Rectangle, paste it.
Click Frame 30, then Add Effect then Remove.

5 - We gonna create a luminous spot with zoom effect.
In 'Timeline' click Light, then Frame 30, then Add Effect then Transform. Enter the values mentioned :


Click Frame 50, then Add Effect then Remove.

You'd yield :



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Dernière Modification : Lun 13 Janvier 2025 14:22
Copyright © 1999-2025 Jean-Paul Molina Tous droits réservés.


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