The purpose is to show the effect of a drop which falls over a liquid.
We use the effects : Slide In, Blur, Transform, Linear and Radial Gradient.
The different stages gonna be described now :
- fisrt we 'll build all objects.
- then we'll take care of the effects.
⇒ see animation ⇐
1 - Set up width, height, and background color (#6666FF). 'Frame Rate' : 35
2 - You gonna create a rectangle in the lower half of the scene. Click . Draw the rectangle and adjust its size as shown hereafter :
You gonna set up a linear gradient of color :
index1 (left) : #FFFFFF index2 : #99FFFF
index3 (right) : #6361FF
Pay Attention to the gradient properties
3 - Creation of surface waves
Click button . Draw an ellipse as shown hereafter :
You gonna set up a radial gradient of color :
index1 (left) : #99FFFF index2 : #99CCFF
index3 (right) : #6361FF
Name it Ellipse1.
Copy that Ellipse : CTRL C, then CTRL V. Name it Ellipse2
4 - Creation of the drop
- First draw a circle Ø20 anywhere. Name it Goutte
Line : O,1 Color :#6B69FF.
- Click . You'd yield
- Move upwards the upper squared anchor.
- Move downwards one of the upper circular anchor, then move the other at the same vertical level.
- You gonna set up a radial gradient of color :
index1 (left) : #99FFFF index2 : #99CCFF index3 (right) : #6361FF. You'd yield
- Use tab Transform to fit the drop in a good place.
5 -Installing Effects
In 'Timeline', click Frame 0 in row 'Goutte', then 'Add Effect' and 'Slide In from Top'.
Duration : 20 Frames. Modifiez l'onglet comme indiqué :
Dans 'Timeline', cliquez Frame 20 de la rangée 'Goutte', puis 'Add Effect' et 'Blur'.
Duration : 20 Frames. Modify tab as mentioned :
In 'Timeline', click Frame 20 in row 'Ellipse1', then 'Add Effect' and 'Transform'.
Duration : 35 Frames. Modify tabs as mentioned :
Click now in zone Transform(35) in 'Timeline', then hit CTRL C. Then click Frame 35 in row Ellipse2 in 'Timeline', then hit CTRL V. You 'd yield
Et voilà, it's over. Test..
In the animation, I have added a sound at Frame19 to get more realistic.
Of course we could improve giving a wave effect (right here we set a planar circular wave)
but also in bursting the drop as a spray like in a real world.
See also Ripple effect in library.