_width , _height
- Create a new clip (size 640x480).
- Insert a dynamic text.
- Clear the word 'text' in edit field.
- Enter txtdyn in field Name
- In Scene_1, write the following script :
onLoad () { txtdyn=_root._width; }
( we want to display the width of the scene, either 640 )
- Go now in tab Export
Untoggle Mask off-stage objects
- Click menu File / Test / Test in player
You'll notice it's the width of the rectangle of text which has been displayed.
- Toggle now Mask off-stage objects
- Test again.
You'll notice it's the correct value which is displayed
The Help section says :
Check this option to mask objects if they are completely outside the defined Movie area.
I don't see any link with a dynamic text fully in the scene.
Bug, isn'it ?