Usual functions


call(frame)runs script called in frame from 'Timeline'. obsolete
chr(number)Returns char from its ASCII number. (number between 0 et 255).
duplicateSprite(new, level)Syntax : name_of_sprite.duplicateSprite(newname, level) creates, at a given level, an instance of Sprite being running. Each duplicated Sprite must have an unique depth level to prevent it from replacing Sprites of the same name on occupied depths.
eval(expression)gives the value of an expression if expression is an existing variable. Returns undefined if variable desn't exist. Returns reference if expression is an object.
fscommand(command,arguments)Allows the Flash Movie to communicate with Flash Player, a Web browser, programs that can host ActiveX . commands for FlashPlayer : quit, fullscreen, allowscale, showmenu, exec, trapallkeys. With JavaScript, as for others, it needs arguments that handle fscommand.
getProperty(name_instance,property)Syntax : name_instance.getProperty(property) ou getProperty(name_instance,property) Returns the value of the specified property for the Movie Clip instancename.
getTimer()Number of milliseconds since Movie started. Use Timer.ticks() instead
getURL(url [,window])Loads the specified URL into the specified Html Frame. optional parameter : _self, _parent, _top, _blank
getURLGet(url [,window])Loads the specified URL into the specified Html Frame. Gets variables via the Get method. optional parameter : _self, _parent, _top, _blank
getURLPost(url [,window])Loads the specified URL into the specified Html Frame. Gets variables via the Post method. optional parameter : _self, _parent, _top, _blank
getVersion()Returns Player version. same as variable $version
gotoAndPlay(argument)Syntax : name_instance.gotoAndPlay(argument) argument is the number of the frame. Sends the playhead to the specified Frame in a Scene and plays from that Frame.
gotoAndStop(argument)Syntax : name_instance.gotoAndPlay(argument) argument is the number of the frame. Sends the playhead to the specified Frame in a Scene and stops at that Frame
gotoSceneAndPlay(scene, frame)Sends the playhead to the specified Frame in a Scene and plays from that frame. If no Scene specified, it's the current Scene.
isNearTarget(target [,X] [,Y])target is the name of the 'Sprite' tested. X near boundary or radius if parameter Y omitted. Y near boundary. Returns true if the two Objects are near each other.
isNearThis([X][,Y])Syntax : name_sprite.isNearThis([X][,Y]) X near boundary or radius if parameter Y omitted. Y near boundary. Returns true if the two Objects are near each other.
int(number)Returns a number truncated to an integer
length(expression)Returns the length of the specified string or variable name.
loadMovie(url [, variable])Syntax : name_sprite.loadMovie(url [, variable]) loads the SWF or JPG from URL. Optional variables : GET or POST to specify the HTTP method to use.
loadMovieNum(url, level[, variable])Syntax : name_sprite.loadMovie(url, level[, variable]) loads the SWF or JPG from URL, at a given level. (You can use variable _levelN) Optional variables : GET or POST to specify the HTTP method to use.
loadVariables(url [, variables])Syntax : name_sprite.loadVariables(url [, variables]) loads variables specified from URL, in the current movie. Optional variables : GET or POST to specify the HTTP method to use.
loadVariablesNum(url, level [, variables])Syntax : name_sprite.loadVariablesNum(url, level [, variables]) loads variables specified from URL, in the current movie, at a given level. (You can use variable _levelN) Optional variables : GET or POST to specify the HTTP method to use.
nextFrameAndPlay()Syntax : name_sprite.nextFrameAndPlay() Sends the playhead to the next Frame in a Scene and plays from that Frame
nextFrameAndStop()Syntax : name_sprite.nextFrameAndStop() Sends the playhead to the next Scene and stops at the first Frame.
nextSceneAndPlay()Sends the playhead to the next Scene and plays from the first Frame.
Number(expression)Converts an expression to a floating-point number. if expression is boolean : true gives 1, false gives 0. if expression is numeric , returns the result or 0 if impossible. Flash MX Returns NaN (Not a Number)
on(mouseEvent)Syntax : name_object.on(mouseEvent) { code to execute } mouseEvent is one of the following event : dragOut, dragOver, keyPress(key), press, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, rollOver
onChanged()Syntax : name_objectText.onChanged() { code to execute } Code is executed when text changes.
onEnterFrame()Syntax : onEnterFrame() { code to execute } Code is executed at the start of each Frame. (useful to install collision detection routines)
onFrame(frame)Syntax : [name_sprite.] onFrame() { code to execute } Code is executed when the playhead moves to the specified Frame. if no object (optional), it's the current scene.
onLoad()Syntax : onLoad() { code to execute } useful to set up variables.
onSelfEvent(mouseEvent)Syntax : name_objet.onSelfEvent(mouseEvent) { code to execute } mouseEvent is one of the following : dragOut, dragOver, keyPress(key), press, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, rollOver Don't exist with Flash MX.
ord(char)Returns ASCII code of 1st char.
parseFloat(expression)Converts a string to a floating-point number. Flash MX Returns NaN (Not a Number) if incorrect; Swish Returns 0
parseInt(expression)Converts a string to an integer. Flash MX Returns NaN (Not a Number) if incorrect; Swish Returns 0
play()Syntax : [object.]play() Moves the playhead forward in the Timeline.
playSound(soundname, dontplayifloaded [, volume, loop, fadein, fadeout, effect]) Defines how a sound 'd be played. dontplayifloaded (booléen) : true : don't play sound if it is already playing. volume : 0 to 100% loop : loop this many times. default = 1, infinite = 0. fadein, fadeout (boolean) false is default effect : 'None', 'Fade In', 'Fade Out', 'Pan left to right', 'Pan right to left', 'Left channel only', 'Right channel only'. Defaut = 'None'.
removeSprite()Syntax : name_sprite.removeSprite() Removes an Instance of a Sprite created with the duplicateSprite() method.
setProperty([name_instance,] property, value)Syntax : [instance.]setProperty([name_instance,] property, value) Returns the value of the specified property for the Movie Clip instancename( or this either )
skipFrameAndPlay(n)Syntax : name_sprite.skipFrameAndPlay() Sends the playhead ahead n Frames and plays from that Frame. back if n < 0.
skipFrameAndStop(n)Syntax : name_sprite.skipFrameAndStop() Sends the playhead ahead n Frames and stops at that Frame back if n < 0.
startDragLocked([left, right, top, bottom])Syntax : target.startDragLocked([left, right, top, bottom]) makes the target Sprite / Object draggable while the Movie is playing. The Sprite / Object is locked to the center of the mouse position.
startDragUnLocked([left, right, top, bottom])Syntax : target.startDragUnLocked([left, right, top, bottom]) makes the target Sprite / Object draggable while the Movie is playing. The Sprite / Object is locked to mouse position where the user first pushed the mouse button.
stop()Syntax : [object.]stop() Stops the playhead at the current position.
stopAllSounds()Stops all currently playing sounds.
stopDrag()stops the current Drag Action.
String(expression)Returns a string representation of the specified parameter. if expression is boolean ( true, false ) : Returns "1"ou "0". if expression is a number, returns text representation of the number..
tellTarget(object)Syntax : tellTarget(object)() { code to execute } Allows you to specify an Object . If you want to use a string variable then enclose it in parentheses
toggleHighQuality()Turns anti-aliasing on and off in Flash Player.
unloadMovie()Syntax : name_sprite.unloadMovie() Removes a loaded Movie or a Movie Clip from the Flash Player.
unloadMovieNum(level)Removes a specified level the loaded Movie or a Movie Clip from the Flash Player.


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Dernière Modification : Mar 29 Octobre 2024 10:18
Copyright © 1999-2024 Jean-Paul Molina Tous droits réservés.


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