HitTest, Mouse, PlaySound
The purpose is to show how to move away a button when the mouse enters its zone
and to zoom another button when the mouse enters its zone.
Just for fun.
I suppose you know well how to create objects, thus I wont insist on.
⇒ animation ⇐
Creating Objects
1 - Set up Movie size 320x240 and background color #009933.
Any Frame Rate.
2 - Create a text NON, a rectangle, then group them.
Name it GroupNon. Target toggled.
Convert to Sprite.
3 - Create a text OUI, a rectangle, then group them.
Name it GroupOui. Target toggled.
Convert to Sprite.
In Outline, select the scene, get to Expert Mode. Enter the following script :
Don't forget to import sounds : Content / Import / Sounds.