% preloader: ribbon


The purpose is to having a classical ribbon which shows the percentage of loading as displayed hereafter :

ruban de défilement en pourcentage

I suppose you got the basis of drawing and I 'll not insist anymore.

- Set up a new movie 640x480 for instance.

- Create a scene with a presentation.

- Create a new scene named Preloader :

- Draw a rectangle bordered with a line, in the middle of the scene ( size 500x70 ). Name it Cadre


- Now create a rectangle with same size. Name it Ruban


As this object gonna change, toggle Target.

- Draw a void dynamic text. Name it txtdyn

texte dynamique    

texte dynamique

This object is about to display the percentage of loading..
Remark : If you put Name : txt and you use Advanced mode, then put txtdyn in the variable name field and Target must be toggled.

You 'd yield something like :


At last, here is the script !

Remark :
     Be careful, when you built a scene (named Scene_1 for instance) and, in your scripts, you wrote some gotoAndPlay(...), you could notice, right after having placed Preloader scener, some animations run badly and even not at all ! Replace simply with gotoAndPlay("Scene_1", ...)


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Dernière Modification : Lun 13 Janvier 2025 14:22
Copyright © 1999-2025 Jean-Paul Molina Tous droits réservés.


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